Pornography – Bondage to freedom
Price : 20


“Research indicates that pornography plays an accessory role in numerous social problems. It is a contributing factor in child abuse, violence against women, rape, gender bias, family breakdown, youth crime, promiscuity, and sexually transmitted diseases… The most disturbing aspect of pornography may be its availability to children and teenagers through Internet, and the powerful impression it makes on their young minds.” – notes the author in the booklet on Pornography.

Topics covered in this booklet on ‘Pornography’ are –

  • Straight talk on pornography
  • Sex and lust
  • Some harsh realities
  • One Teenager’s downward slope
  • My own story
  • The progressive nature of addiction
  • The addictive cycle
  • Light at the end of the tunnel
  • Steps to freedom
  • Protecting your family

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