(16 Books)

Booklets available in English are :

  • Anger.
  • Abortion.
  • Credit Card.
  • Children with Learning Disabilities.
  • Divorce.
  • Dating.
  • Depression.
  • Exams.
  • Friendship On Facebook.
  • Lipstick or Aftershave.
  • Loneliness.
  • Movies.
  • Pornography.
  • Smoking.
  • Choose Life – Suicide.
  • Worry.



  • Anger (What’s Good About It)  :There is good anger and harmful anger. Anger can be destructive when it persists in the form of aggression or constructive when it mobilizes us towards healthy action. This booklet will help in recognizing the good from the bad and practical steps on how to overcome destructive anger.

Pages- 20 Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Abortion (Is it the last option?):Studies show that counseling before an abortion is poor or non – existent. Some case scenarios are also discussed to bring home the point. This booklet offers sound counsel based on biblical principles. Legal and medical aspects related to abortion are also mentioned. You will find practical tips to talk to those who are considering abortion.

Pages- 28 Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Credit Cards (Master the card else its your VISA to destruction) :
    Credit cards are a double-edged sword. Used judiciously they serve you; used irresponsibly they can suck you into a debt trap. The booklet offers practical help on how to manage money and that context offers you some specific Do’s and Don’ts.

Pages- 24  Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width 12cm

  • Children with Learning disabilities (Need able teachers and patient parents) :
    Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia and Dyspraxia are a few learning disabilities. If these are recognized early and treated most children overcome them eventually. Parents and teachers can find pointers to detect such learning disabilities and practical tips to relate with them and direct them to seek appropriate help.

Pages- 28 Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Divorce (Never the original plan):None of us on a wedding day think we will ever consider divorce. We just do not want that. But when trust is broken some think of divorce? What does the Bible say about divorce? How does it affect you and others? What after divorce? You will find some helpful pointers in this booklet.

Pages- 24 Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Dating (Western or Indian)  :
    Dating is no longer a western practice. Urban and even sub-urban youth are involved in dating. If you want to know what is dating and understand responsible dating with marriage in view, and avoid defective dating, then you will find some practical help in this booklet.

Pages- 20  Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Depression  (Prevention is better than cure):

Today, we find both young and old suffering from depression, not even excluding our precious children. But the good news is that there is a way out. Let’s find out what depression is and how one can come out of it. People who may be going through mild depression and those who are caring for the depressed will find some practical Do’s and Don’ts.

Pages- 20 Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Face your Exams and overcome your Stress  (Exams and Stress) :

Parents and teachers will do well to appreciate different learning styles. Causes of examination stress and how to overcome such stress are mentioned here. You will also find tips for students to study smart and tips for parents and teachers to help such students are given in this booklet.

Pages- 24  Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Friendship on Facebook (How to have healthy Friendships)  :

Facebook, especially, has changed the way we define and understand friendship. This booklet offers five traits of true friends drawn from scriptures. You are encouraged to take precautions in making and keeping friends online. Young and old will benefit from it.

Pages-28 Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Lipstick or Aftershave (Be clear about your sexual Orientation) :
    Gender identity and sexual orientation are sensitive topics and fraught with misunderstandings. This book offers you a clear understanding about sexuality from a biblical perspective. It serves as an awareness tool and to some extent as a self-help tool. You may need to consult an expert when necessary.

Pages- 24 Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Loneliness (You are not Alone) :
    No wonder loneliness has been called the world’s most common mental health aliment. But why do people find themselves feeling lonely? What can you do to overcome loneliness? You will find practical help in this booklet.

Pages- 22 Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  •  Movies (Select and See) :

Before we give movies such a big chunk of our lives, it is worth thinking about the impact they have on us. This pamphlet will help a young believer to decide whether to watch movies or not. But if you choose to see movies, how can you make a wise choice? You may like to apply the BEGGEM test.

Pages-16 Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Smoking  (One Is Too Many) :
    An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of smoke. If you do not start smoking, then you will not need to battle with your smoking habit. Habits, they say, are easy to form and difficult to break. Yet there is hope. Find out more.

Pages-20  Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Suicide (Suicide is not the right option) :

Why do people think of suicide? What are the warning signs of suicide? How can we help those who feel suicidal? You will find practical answers to these questions. No matter how terrible your situation, suicide it not the answer. Reach out and help others reach out for help.

Pages- 32  Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Worry (The Silent killer) :
    Most people worry and for many of them it is a problem. This booklet will help you to understand the causes for your worry, look at it through the lens of the Bible and find some practical ways of overcoming worry.

Pages- 20  Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm Width- 12cm

  • Pornography  (Bondage to Freedom) :
    Sex is a gift of a loving God to married couples. But Satan has taken it out of marriage, made it into an object and offers it on demand in the form of pornography. Many are addicted to pornography. You will find help to understand the addictive cycle of pornography and some steps to overcome it and when to seek professional intervention.

Pages-32 Dimensions: Length- 17.5cm  Width-12cm


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(16 Books)”

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Auther : Jacob Ninan