Counselling without Offense – Christian Counselling in a Secular World
Author: Dr. Samson Gandhi
Price : 150


This book is addressed to Christian counsellors who hold apprehensions about counselling to non-Christians. According to the author, this book is an attempt to bring about attitudinal changes and show how a Christian counsellor can indeed counsel without offense. The author believes that anyone who believes that Christian counselling cannot be offered to non-Christians limits the power of the Gospel to a few Christians and therefore a majority who are non-Christians would then be denied its healing power.

“This book attempts to offer holistic Christian counselling whether to Christians or non-Christians. Human problems do not discriminate between religions, nor does God discriminate in providing His counsel to the people of the world, so why should we?” the author challenges.

About the author: D. Samson Gandhi (M.B.A, DMin, Bakke Graduate University, Seattle, USA) provides leadership in Christian counselling in South and West Asia. He heads ‘Person to Person – Institute for Christian Counselling’. He served as the General Secretary of the Association of Christian Counsellors, South Asia. He is a sought-after international speaker on leadership and Christian counselling. He is a visiting faculty of Pastoral Theology and Counselling at SAIACS, Bengaluru and IBC&S, Kumbanad, Kerala.


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