Training Programs

Equipping Counsellors through

Training Programs

We aim to equip individuals to be trained counsellors and people-helpers through a systematic training program in Christian Counselling.

Our training methodology incorporates highly interactive sessions that include lectures, discussions, questionnaires, role plays and games.

Participants are encouraged to go for accreditation with the Association of Christian Counsellors, South Asia.

The route to accreditation is progressive, rigorous and demands proficiency not just through classroom training but also through field assignments and the accumulation of specified hours of supervised counselling sessions. 

Accreditation of our courses is under review and therefore subject to renewal

Mode of Learning

Online mode – where the entire course is available either in auto mode (asynchronous) – from purchase to certificate and the student can choose to do it at his own teaching.

Classroom mode – Enroll for a predetermined classroom based course at a particular venue and time.

Blended mode – Course is offered partly online in (asynchronous) and partly in classroom mode, both of which are compulsory.

Distance mode – Through book based resource material that is mailed to the student.

Live (online) – Online Synchronous

This is an introductory training program that will equip participants to be people helpers. At the end of the course, participants will be able to understand the nature of personal problems, listen attentively and pray sensitively for the counselees. This course is not an accredited course.

Suitable for –

  • Those who have a heart to reach out to the hurting.
  • Those who are new to counselling.
  • Those who want to find out if counselling is their calling.

Course Content:

  • Biblical Basis of Counselling
  • Basics of Counselling
  • Biblical Understanding of Personality
  • Self-image & Self-Esteem
  • Counselling Model
  • Counselling Skills
  • Application Areas

Duration : 15 hours, over 2 or 3 days


Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

This is an introductory training program that will equip participants to be people helpers. At the end of the course, participants will be able to understand the nature of personal problems, listen attentively and pray sensitively for the counselees. This course is not an accredited course.

Suitable for –

  • Those who have a heart to reach out to the hurting.
  • Those who are new to counselling.
  • Those who want to find out if counselling is their calling.

Course Content:

  • Biblical Basis of Counselling
  • Basics of Counselling
  • Biblical Understanding of Personality
  • Self-image & Self-Esteem
  • Counselling Model
  • Counselling Skills
  • Application Areas

Duration : 15 hours, over 2 or 3 days


Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

This is a non accredited advanced training program that will equip participants to people helpers.

Suitable for –

  • Those who have a heart to reach out to the hurting
  • Those who are new to counselling
  • Those who want to find out if counselling is their calling

Course Content:

  • Biblical Basis of Counselling
  • Basics of Counselling
  • Biblical Understanding of Personality
  • Self-image & Self-Esteem
  • Counselling Model
  • Counselling Skills
  • Application Areas

Duration : 15 hours, over 5 days


Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.


Accreditation of our courses is under review and therefore subject to renewal

This program is accredited by the Association of Christian Counsellors – South Asia. Participants will be equipped for involvement in counselling ministry and for accreditation.

Suitable for –

  • Those who have done IBC or any introductory course in counselling.
  • Those who are involved in the counselling ministry and seeking accreditation.
  • Bible College graduates who want to specialize in the counselling ministry.
  • Graduates from Psychology, Social Work or related courses wanting to learn more specifically about Christian Counselling.

Course Content:

  • Origin of Personal Problems
  • Counselling in Context of Local Church
  • Relationship to Spiritual Gifts and Healing
  • Psychosomatic Illnesses
  • Mood Disorders
  • Counselling Attitudes
  • Ethical Issues in Counselling

Duration : 50 hours, over 6 days


Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

Accreditation of our courses is under review and therefore subject to renewal

This program is accredited by the Association of Christian Counsellors – South Asia.

Participants will be equipped to join a Christian Counselling Team, to have counselling practice and for further accreditation.

Suitable for –

  • Those who have completed ACC level 1 and accumulated 100 hours of practical counselling.
  • Those who intend to become a member of a Christian counselling team.
  • Those who want to pursue a career in counselling.

Course Content for Module 1:

  • 5-Circle Model
  • Advanced counselling skills
  • Peer counselling
  • Self care
  • Ethics
  • Prayer counselling
  • Legal Aspects of Counselling
  • Case Analyses
  • Case Studies

Duration : 70 hours, over 8 days

Course Content for Module 2:

  • Marriage Counselling
  • Family Counselling
  • Legal Aspects of Family
  • Debt Counselling
  • Grief Counselling
  • Biblical Understanding of Suffering
  • Secular Theories and Approaches
  • Spiritual Oppression and Deliverance 
  • Legal Aspects of Mental Health
  • Biblical Understanding of Sexuality
  • Supervision

Duration – 50 hours over 7 days and 80 hours of assignments.


Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

Accreditation of our courses is under review and therefore subject to renewal

This program is accredited by the Association of Christian Counsellors – South Asia. Participants will be equipped to build proficiency in counselling and to be specialists.

Suitable for –

  • Those who have completed ACC level 2 and accumulated 200 hours of practical counselling.
  • Those who want to pursue a career in counselling.
  • Those who want to specialize in specific concern areas.

Course Content for Module 1:

  • Spiritual Health
  • Emotional Health
  • Sex and Sexuality
  • Social Systems
  • Crisis
  • Other Schools of Thought
  • Ethics and the Law

Duration : 60 hours, over 7 days

Course Content for Module 2:

  • 5 Circle Theory
  • Social Systems
  • Mental Health
  • Personality Disorders
  • Depression
  • Counselling Practice

Duration – 60 hours over 7 days

Course Content for Module 3:

  • Crisis
  • Addictions
  • Care and Counselling Skills
  • Group Therapy
  • Eating Disorders
  • Abuse
  • Life Stages
  • Group Supervision

Duration – 60 hours over 7 days and 120 hours of assignments of field work and assignments.


Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

Accreditation of our courses is under review and therefore subject to renewal

Suitable for: This is an accredited training program designed for pastors, Christian counsellors, and professionals who counsel couples in marital issues. It is also appropriate for any person who is likely to assist in the field of marital counselling. It serves as a source in continuing professional development in marriage counselling for counsellors and professionals.

Course Content:

  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Financial Management
  • Sex and Health
  • Gender Differences
  • Divorce
  • Choice Theory

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

Accreditation of our courses is under review and therefore subject to renewal

Suitable for – This course is designed for pastors, Christians counsellors, and professionals who deal with the challenges of youth and will equip them to challenge, disciple and mentor the youth.

Course Content:

  • ABCD Model
  • Peer Pressure
  • Profile of Youth
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Youth and Media
  • Substance Abuse

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

Accreditation of our courses is under review and therefore subject to renewal

Suitable for – This course is designed for pastors, Christians counsellors, and professionals who help individuals and families cope with the struggles of addictions.

Course Content:

  • Understanding addictions
  • Types of addictions
  • Neurobiology of addiction
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Family dynamics
  • Addiction and grace

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

Accreditation of our courses is under review and therefore subject to renewal

Suitable for – Counsellors who want training in counselling supervision. This includes those who are already supervising and are looking for an accredited qualification. Supervisors play a very important role for qualified professionals, particularly in therapeutic and social care fields where they provide support and guidance to supervisees delivering client services.

This course will provide a theoretical, ethical and practical framework for participants allowing them to understand various models of supervision and how they may be applied to supervisory relationships.

Course Content: 

  • Overview of counsellor supervision
  • Case presentation methods
  • Working with a group in supervision
  • Models of supervision
  • The supervisory relationship
  • Ensuring standards in supervision
  • Assessments in supervision
  • Good practice in supervision
  • Guidelines for practicum

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

Accreditation of our courses is under review and therefore subject to renewal

Suitable for – This course is designed for experienced and practicing counsellors. It equips them to offer supervision to other counsellors.

Course Content:

  • Personal Preparation
  • Lesson Objectives
  • Lesson Plan
  • Classroom Analysis
  • Teaching Style
  • Audio Visual Aids

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

Accreditation of our courses is under review and therefore subject to renewal

Suitable for – This course is designed for pastors, Christians counsellors, and professionals who counsel parents in addressing the modern day challenges in parenting. It is also appropriate for scholastic teachers. Sunday school teachers, youth advisors and others who are likely to assist in the field of parenting.

Course Content:

  • Understanding the role of a parent
  • Communicating within the family
  • Discipline of children
  • Parenting challenges
  • Natural and unexpected transitions in parenting

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

Accreditation of our courses is under review and therefore subject to renewal

Violence in families is a worldwide problem which threatens the physical health, mental health and security of millions of women, children and families. While violence may be directed toward any member of the family with serious repercussions, this course will address the unique characteristics of violence against women.

Suitable for – This course is designed for pastors, Christians counsellors, and professionals who counsel families so they are equipped to address the problem of abuse in society.

Course Content: 

  • An overview of domestic violence
  • Analyzing the problem
  • Addressing the problem
  • Advocating change

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

Route to Accreditation by

Association of Christian Counsellors, South Asia

Step 01

Foundational Course

Duration 2 days


Step 02

For involvement in counselling ministry

Duration 6 days


IBC / Degree in Theology / Any introductory course or prior experience in counselling. | Course Recognition – ACC Level 1 Certificate recognized by ACC for 50 credit hours.

Steps to get accredited

Step 03

To be equipped to join a Christian Counselling Team

Duration 8 + 7 Days


ACC Level 1 certification. Course is delivered in two modules involving classroom training (Module 1 – 80 hours / 8 days | Module 2 – 50 hours/7 days) and a field assignment of 80 hours.

Steps to get accredited:

Step 04

To build proficiency in counselling

Duration 7 Days per module


ACC Level 2 certification. Modules can be completed in any order.

Steps to get accredited:

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