
Our staff who come from varied backgrounds dedicate all their God given talents to His service.

Dr. Samson Gandhi & Christine Gandhi

Executive Director

Dr. Samson Gandhi had a successful career in Marketing and Exports & Imports of Garments and Textiles, for ten years. Responding to God’s call, he left his lucrative career in business in 1993 and served Haggai Institute in India as its Finance & Administration Manager. With a clear vision from the Lord in 1997, he successfully launched Person to Person ~ Institute for Christian Counselling to train Biblical Counsellors for the Church. He serves as its Executive Director. He is a sought-after international speaker on leadership and Christian counselling. He is a visiting faculty of Pastoral Theology and Counselling at SAIACS, Bengaluru and IBC&S, Kumbanad, Kerala. Samson has contributed many articles on Counselling in national magazines and International Journals. He has co-authored a book titled ‘Shelters on the Highway’ which gives guidelines on how to establish counselling centres, and authored ‘Counselling Without Offence’, a book addressed to Christian counsellors who hold apprehensions about counselling to non-Christians. He wife Christine volunteers with PtP, is hands on with its administration and also offers counselling. Christine has a Masters in Education and comes with decades of experience in working with, and directing educational institutions. They are blessed with three children: Michael, Jasper and Gabriela. Michael is married to Amanda and Jasper to Jennifer.

Noel Nicholes K

Manager - Finance & Admin

Noel is the senior most staff at PtP and has been looking after its finance and administrative functions since 2001. He has Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce and a Masters Degree in Business Administration. Noel quit a secular job with the marketing team at Citibank to join Person to Person, and has never looked back. Noel loves to help people! If you have interacted with Person to Person in the past, you would have most definitely engaged with him at some level. He plays the guitar and is often seen leading the worship at PtP programs. He loves to sing, listen to music, and is quite adept on the badminton court as well.

Ramanaiah Chittithoti

Assistant Manager - Publications

Ramanaiah has been with Person to Person for over six years and takes care of PtP’s publications. If you need any resources from PtP, Ramanaiah is the go-to guy. His passion for helping people is only surpassed by his enthusiasm in suggesting a relevant resource or recommending an appropriate training program to anyone who will care to listen. Ramanaiah has a Diploma in Electronics and Communications, and has worked as a service engineer before signing up with India Missions Association, where he worked with the Admin and Communications functions. Ramanaiah is passionate about reading The Bible and the UESI youth ministry.

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