
Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – August 2024

Dear Friends,

We have planned a trip to visit our boys and their families in US this month. Our excitement is growing by the day. We cannot wait to see them. Especially, our youngest granddaughter, Jubal whom we have not seen so far. Thankfully, we celebrate the first birthday of Leah our granddaughter in Hyderabad before we leave. We are buying gifts and preparing for the trip.

May be Jubal would also be eager to see us if she had known us and we had been talking and sharing our life with her. As I was reflecting on these warm thought and feelings, I could not but ask myself if I was feeling the same about meeting Jesus. I felt happy when my soul leaped with joy at the thought of seeing Him. Yes, I cannot wait to see Him.

Unlike meeting Jubal, I cannot secure a visa and book a tickcket to see Jesus and look forward to the day of travel. I must wait. While waiting, I must enjoy my time with Him; He would whisper: “I do not know when I will come to take you. Only my Father knows. Till that time, let us be about the things that will please Him. We will have many things to talk about then.”

Let us trim our lamps, carry enough oil, and be prepared to meet the Bridegroom with our lamps lit. Let us not be ill-prepared for His coming and lose out on entering His presence. While we wait, let us ask ourselves, “Is our light, our good works – feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and prisoned – lighting up the lives of people around us who may
glorify God?

When God decides to send Jesus, He might see us doing the will of the Father and joyfully
exclaim: “I cannot wait to see you.”

Warmly in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

For reflection: Matthew 5:16; Matthew 25:1-4; John 14:2-6

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