Dear Friends,
I wonder what will be the result of the election on June 4th. Many are seeking a change in the way our country is being governed. Polarization of communities, alienation of poor and demonisation of weaker neighbours is making the soul of this nation sad and weak.
Hebrews were a small and powerless people living under an oppressive nation. Their cries to God went on for almost 400 years. God heard and delivered them.
We thank God that we are not slaves nor are we living under such an oppressive rule. We are a democracy; no matter how undermined it maybe we can still cast our vote and chose our leaders. We also have a voice to express our views to foster peace and resist hate. There is so much to be grateful to God about our country.
We can pray for our country (our circle of concern) but more importantly, act and work in such a way that Christ is seen in us by our neighbours (our circle of influence). How can we love our families? How can we be kind to our neighbours? How can we serve in our churches? How can we be more generous? Let our speech be marinated in love, peppered with grace, and seasoned with salt of kind words. Let us make our families and neighbourhoods pleasant and heal the soul of our land. Let us light up the dark spaces with truth and season relationships with salt of love and grace.
Yours in Christ,
Dr. Samson Gandhi