
Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – March 2023

Dear Friends,

They say that when we go to the doctors with a health issue, we must be honest and share all information related to it. Information to questions like, “Where does it hurt?” “How badly does it hurt?” “How long have you had this pain?” “Does anyone else in your family have this condition?” “Do you consume alcohol?” “How much and how often?” so on and so forth. Only when he has complete and accurate information can he treat the disease effectively.

Sometimes, the doctor can ask seemingly unrelated questions but nevertheless important. Usually, when they can’t find anything wrong with the body, they suspect a psychological problem. They ask questions like, “Are you worried about something?” “Are you sleeping
well?” “What is keeping you awake?” When they are sure that it is a psychosomatic problem, they refer you to a psychologist/psychiatrist.

Take that advise seriously and talk to a wise counsellor who is trained. They can help you deal with a number of emotional and psychological problems. If you are open to looking at your problem from a spiritual perspective, seek out a godly, trained counsellor. Guilt, fears and anxieties are quite often rooted in misbeliefs, faulty thinking and unrealistic expectations.

Jesus Christ came into this world full of grace and truth. He said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). His grace can address our guilt for He has paid the price. The word of God says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are
in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). A godly counsellor who has experienced such a freedom from lies and liberation from bondages will be able to communicate “grace and truth” to you. It will be quite therapeutic!

A trained counsellor also knows when medical intervention is needed. He would urge you to see a psychiatrist. It is not unspiritual to see one. Make sure you do that without fail at the earliest. There is no taboo attached to it. Medicine is part of His healing.

Yours in Christ,
Dr. Samson Gandhi


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