
Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – October 2023

Dear Friends,

In Romans 8, Paul is at pains to assure us that in Christ there is no condemnation and that God has given us sonship through the Spirit. However, he is clear that we will go through suffering but if we persevere will inherit His glory. In v31-39, he is an orator, theologian, and a passionate motivator, all rolled in one trying to convince us of God’s eternal love in Christ.

In v38-39, he says that nothing – neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities… – can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. What does it mean that death cannot separate us from His love?

Death disconnects us from everything earthly. We cannot take anything; we cannot connect with anyone and soon people will also forget us. But not so with God. After death, if we are in Christ, we will be with God. Even death cannot separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. My body will become dust but my soul will be in fellowship with Him in love. In life on earth, I am loved; in death I am entrusted to His care and love till He comes back.

Friends from other faiths are not sure of life after death. They are afraid that they may be born as lesser creatures. Children offer prayers and perform rituals to ensure ‘shanthi’ to the departed souls of their parents.

We have an unshakeable assurance that we die once and thereafter judgement. So, there is no rebirth. God loves us with such an everlasting love that even death cannot separate us from Him.

Are you afraid of death? Do you know someone who is struggling to come to terms with death? Reassure yourself and others. In death as in life we are loved – with an everlasting love!

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

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