Loneliness – You are not alone
Author: Soh Hiang Jamir
Price : 20


“We all experience loneliness at some time in our lives. Most experience it as a temporary emotion but some experience it more persistently…” writes Soh Hiang Jamir in this booklet on ‘Loneliness’. Pointing out that loneliness has been called the world’s most common mental health ailment and a kind of suffering that transcends boundaries of caste, class race, cultures and age, Soh Hiang offers hope to the reader that he is not alone in his loneliness.

The topics that are covered in this booklet are –

  • Different people, same experience
  • What is loneliness?
  • Loneliness across the lifespan
  • Other causes of loneliness
  • Spiritually speaking
  • Heroes of the Bible
  • What not to do about loneliness
  • What we can do about loneliness

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