Teaching Programs

Enriching individuals through

Teaching Programs

Teaching programs or seminars from Person to Person have been appreciated for their excellence in content and delivery and for building its program on strong Biblical foundations.

Seminars on practical topics such as Christian Parenting, Marriage Preparation, Marriage enrichment, Stress, Biblical sexuality and Grief are well received by the participants.

Person to Person also facilitates ‘need-based’ seminars for organizations and churches. These programs are designed keeping in mind the specific needs of the organization.

The seminar covers the biblical perspective on personality. It will help you discover yourelf, build healthy self esteem, relationships and live with integrity.

Suitable for – Adults

Course Content:

  • Biblical perspective of personality development
    • Growing in wisdom
    • Growing in stature
    • Growing in favour with God
    • Growing in favour with man
  • Personality consists of two parts
    • External
      • Phyical appearance
      • Communication
      • Behavious and mannerisms
    • Internal
      • Toughts
      • Feelings
      • Values and attitudes
      • Habits
  • Iceberg principles on personality
  • What are the features of a healthy personality?

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

This program gives you have an insight into the various types of stress, helps you identify their causes, examine how they affect lives and learn how to accept changes  and face stress in everyday life and career.

Suitable for – Employees, entrepreneurs, youth, professionals and home-makers.

Course Content: 

  • ABC’s of stress
  • Assessment of personal stress levels
  • Areas of stress
  • Aftermath of stress
  • Aids to stress relief

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

This program empowers a person to strip away the myths of romance and courtship and helps to unfold the reality and sanctity of marriage.

Suitable for – Couples who planned to get married.

Course Content:

  • Marriage as God’s design
  • Are men and women hardwired differently
  • Building self esteem
  • Finding the love of your life – God’s will
  • Understanding ME – Temperament test
  • Role-ing together
  • Engaging communication in conflict
  • Language of lasting love

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

This program equips you to learn to build marriage on strong foundations, understanding the differences between yourselves and resolve the conflicts.

Suitable for – Couples who have been married for 5 to 15 years.

Course Content:

  • Love Thyself – Self Esteem
  • Marriage on Rock – God’s design for marriage
  • Role-ing together and gender differences
  • Finding the love of your life
  • Engaging communication in conflict
  • Communication in marriage
  • Domestic violence
  • Anger and jealousy in marriage
  • Marriage and money
  • Social media
  • Godly parenting
  • Five love languages
  • Personality differences

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

This program helps you to face the challenges of parenting by equipping you with tips to build a balanced home, give an insight into the methods of raising secure children and teenagers, and equip you with ideas on issues of discipline.

Suitable for – Parents and couples planning on starting a family.

Course Contents:

  • Building self esteem in children
  • Communicating effectively
  • Four ways of parenting
  • Balanced home
  • Problem children or problem parents
  • Developmental stages
  • Case studies
  • Five love languages
  • Godly parenting
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Marriage as God intended
  • Family altar
  • Communication in family
  • Handling finances

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

This programs helps one appreciate the efforts that go into creating a balanced home. It gives you an insight in the various types of parenting, helps you appreciate the love languages, equips you to handle family finances and empowers you to face various situations in a family setting.

Suitable for –

Course Contents:

  • A balanced home
  • Family counselling – sexual abuse
  • Family session
  • Five love languages
  • Four ways of parenting
  • Handling family finances
  • Personality development
  • Case studies
  • Tradition of adolescence
  • Effective tools of discipline

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

This program teaches about the biblical understanding of family and how couples desirous of children can deal with the challenges of conception, the medical resources available to them and the importance of faith.

Suitable for – Couples who are trying to conceive.

Course Content:

  • Biblical understanding of family
  • Challenges of being childless
  • Medical causes for childlessness
  • Biblical and contemporary case studies
  • Faith and works
  • Medical interventions
  • Adoption

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

This program helps adolescent girls understand their bodies, equips them to handle the physical and emotional changes that they will encounter and sensitively cautions them about the challenges and choices ahead.

Suitable for –

Course Content:

  • Your views – a participatory exercise
  • Understanding your body
  • Physical and emotional changes in adoloscence
  • precautions for young girls

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

This program informs the teens on growth and development, helps them to build a healthy self esteem, challenges them on the importance of goal setting and equips them to handle peer pressure and cautions them on wise relationships.

Suitable for – Teens.

Course Content:

  • Four fold development
  • Building a healthy self esteem
  • Goal setting
  • Peer pressure
  • Boy-girl relationship

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

The challenges of pressure and passions, coupled with self discovery and issues that come alive with this stage of developmental, probably make the program for Youth one of the most important teaching programs here with Person to Person.

Suitable for –  Youth

Course Content:

  • Personality development
  • Peer pressure
  • Self image – self esteem
  • Goal setting
  • Spiritual development
  • Profile of youth
  • God’s plan for young people
  • Developmental stages
  • Academic excellence
  • Relationship issues
  • Substance abuse
  • Social media and youth
  • Youth counselling

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

Youth leaders have a very challenging role in guiding and mentoring the youth as it involve counselling them on multiple disciplines such as academics, career, personality, relationships, spirituality and discipline. This teaching programs helps to gear up to handle that responsibility.

Suitable for –  Youth leaders, youth pastors and anyone working with the youth.

Course Content:

  • Academic excellence
  • Career guidance
  • Caring leadership
  • Goal setting
  • Mentoring – understanding and processing
  • Mentoring – biblical basis
  • Personality development
  • Provision for youth
  • Relating issues
  • Grief counselling
  • Time management
  • Youth and media
  • Self esteem

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

This is to prepare an adolescent in early teens to develop a healthy attitude towards sex and sexuality with Biblical principles.

Suitable for – Pre-teens and teens.

Course Content:

  • Biblical sexuality

Are you interested in this program? Please visit the course page for more detail or alternatively visit out events page to get more info.

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