
Training of Trainers Program Kicks Off in Hyderabad

The much awaited Training of Trainers program kicked off at the Grace Communion Church today in Hyderabad. This accredited training program is catered to participants who have a passion to teach and are looking to sharpen their skills to teach, preach or facilitate. The course is spread over three days and will cover topics such as –
  • Personal preparation
  • Classroom dynamics
  • Learning and teaching styles
  • Learning objectives and lesson plans
  • And communicating audio visually, among others.
As one would expect, it is pragmatic in approach and comes with workshops and micro teaching sessions that participants can readily benefit from. “As always we have a good mix of participants for this PtP program as well. Out of the total 19 participants, 5 are women and 14 are men. Participants are from Christian ministry as well as from secular vocations.” said Noel Nicholas, PtP’s admin manager.

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