Dear Friends,
Recently, I was speaking at the IMA conference on the theme of ‘Christlikeness in Indian Missional Leadership.’ My topic was ‘Spiritual Integrity in family life and ministry.’ My messages and the messages of a couple of other speakers were hard-hitting, spoken in a candid manner. As it happens these days, the feedback on our messages was immediate in the conference WhatsApp group.
One of the delegates said, “Today full of spiritual tonic and B 12 injections which are boosting our spirituality. But there is a big question whether these leaders (doctors) are practicing the same in their administration??? Let us pray for them too . . . because the eyes
of Almighty are watching everything . . . Now and then always.”
I responded, “Good and bold question and thought. I am willing to be scrutinized. I am not perfect but my conscience is vigilant to everything I preach and teach. Please pray for me.”
Another delegate joined this conversation and said, “This is so you Samson ji . . . Love you for this transparency and vulnerability . . . I thought the day has ended and I have learnt all of the day and here the Lord teaches one more lesson from your attitude . . .”
As leaders, we are accountable and must be open to such bold questions that subject us to scrutiny. When Andrew asked Jesus, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” Jesus replied, “Come and see (John 1:38,39).” Transparent, honest, and vulnerable leadership is the need of the hour. Samuel asked, “Here I am. Witness against me before the Lord and before His anointed: Whose ox have I taken, or whose donkey have I taken, or whom have I cheated?
Whom have I oppressed, or from whose hand have I received any bribe with which to blind my eyes? I will restore it to you (1 Samuel 12:3).”
As counsellors, we are equally accountable. Sometimes, we are helping people to walk from darkness into light. We must ask ourselves if we are walking in the light. Let Jesus, the Light of this world light up our lives everyday in every sphere of our lives (1 John 1:7).
Yours in Christ,
Dr. Samson Gandh