
Training of Trainers Program – Event Report

Person to Person’s Training of Trainers program, also known as the ‘Faculty Enrichment Seminar’ ended on an enthusiastic and upbeat mood, as participants completed their training modules and received their accredited certificates on Sunday, the 10th of February.

The three-day training program is aimed at fine tuning the training skills of those who are involved in training, teaching or preaching, or are planning to take them up on a regular basis. The training program is accredited by the Association of Christian Counsellors – South Asia.

As is the case of most PtP programs, the participant profile for the Training of Trainers program  was also diverse and included those who are involved in full-time ministry as well as those who are engaged in corporate or non-profit sectors; those who have had a prior relationship with the training institute as well as those who have never heard about Person to Person. A total of 19 participants from Hyderabad and other cities signed up for the program; the youngest being 19-years-old and the eldest, 59.

The program focuses on personal preparation, classroom dynamics, learning and teaching styles, learning objectives and lesson plans and communicating audio visually  and packs in practical workshops and micro teaching sessions.

The above collage is of the micro teaching sessions where each participant is asked to teach his peers employing the knowledge and skills he or she has been imparted. These sessions are also evaluated by their peers using an objective scorecard.

Sharing their feedback about the training program, participants testified about the validity of the course in the present day and about the competence of the facilitators in educating them and imparting those skills.

“…It’s always a pleasure to attend PtP programs, I get to learn so much here, and the faculty was excellent..” said Krishna Ayyar, a business consultant from the IT sector . “Also had a great time interacting with participants, which we do not get in a corporate environment; friendly interaction where we learn from participants and not just the faculty”, he added.

Attending her very first PtP training program Esther Sridevi said, “Heard about the PtP ministry and Dr. Samson Gandhi but was only able to put a face to it when I saw the brochure that was forwarded to me on Whatsapp. I have never taught to an audience like this, learnt so many things.. had the opportunity to be the MC for first time in my life… gave me confidence.”  Personally convinced about PtP training programs, Esther added that she is also planning to sign up for the Christian counselling courses and that she would also encourage her friends to sign up for them.

Emphasizing the importance of counselling in Christian ministry and recognizing the dearth of trained Christian counsellors in Indian churches, another participant J Ashirwadam, expressed that more Christians must come forward and get trained as Christian counsellors. Mr. Ashirwadam praised God for giving this vision to Dr. Samson Gandhi. He applauded the “well-seasoned, highly equipped and outstanding faculty of the program,” and appreciated “the coordination, love and affection of the PtP team for creating a professional yet family like atmosphere.”

Training of Trainers is the second accredited training program conducted by Person to Person in Hyderabad this year. For more information on our upcoming training programs refer our Events Calendar on our website.

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