
Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – September 2022

Dear Friends,

Jacob is distraught that he has to let go Benjamin. Only then could his other children secure food for Jacob and all other children. This is the same Jacob who saw angels ascending and descending at Bethel. Jacob wrestled with God and struggled with men and prevailed. But now he and his family are facing a grim prospect of perishing in the famine (Genesis 42).

Quite unknown to Jacob or his sons, Joseph is their saviour in Egypt. Bible scholars also tell us that Joseph is a ‘type of Jesus’ a foreshadow of the coming Saviour. Joseph suffered as a slave and a prisoner but raised to be head of Egypt, next only to Pharoah. The whole world was at his mercy for food to live. Even Jacob and his sons were to bow before Joseph in fulfilment of the dream he had as a boy.

Jacob and his children were saved by trusting this saviour. These were the words of faith of Jacob: “Take your bother also, and arise, go back to the man. And may God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may release your other brother and Benjamin. If I am bereaved, I am bereaved (Genesis 43:13-14).” All in!

Even Esther uttered similar words of faith: “If I perish, I perish (Esther 4:16).”

I wonder if we would ever face such moments in life. God give us faith to remain faithful in peace times so that we may be ready to act in His grace when the adversary rises against us. The times are evil. May we know that His grace is sufficient. At all times.

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi


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