Accredited Advanced Biblical Counselling Level 1 – Blended Part 1

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Person to Person (PtP) Institute for Christian Counselling has been offering Christian Counsellors’ training Courses for the last twenty one years. Such training is offered at various levels:

  • Introduction to Biblical Counselling (IBC)
  • Advanced Biblical Counselling – Level 1 *
  • Advanced Biblical Counselling – Level 2 *
  • Advanced Biblical Counselling – Level 3 *
  • Marriage Counselors’ Training*
  • Youth Counselors Training*
  • Art of Parenting*
  • Dealing with Addictions*
  • Domestic Violence*

* These are courses recognized by the Association of Christian Counselors, (ACC South Asia) and offered as classroom sessions.

More than sixteen thousand people received counsellor training at various levels. Most of these are offered as residential courses.

Counsellor training courses are best offered as full-time, on site programs, with high levels of interaction through role plays, exercises and peer counselling.

However, during the last twenty years many had written to us expressing their desire to pursue it as a correspondence course. PtP responded by offering the IBC as a correspondence course. Based on the response to the IBC Correspondence course, PtP subsequently introduced the Advanced Biblical Counselling course (not the same as Accredited Advanced Biblical Counselling -Level 1 course mentioned above) through correspondence and planning on offering the following courses as well:

Youth Counsellors’ Training | Marriage Counselors Training

We are now offering the IBC as an eLearning course so students may harness the benefits of technology to overcome the barriers of time and space.

All these correspondence and eLearning courses are not recognised by the ACC, South Asia. However, the knowledge gained through the correspondence course or an eLearning course will be very helpful in doing the advanced courses. If the students are interested, they can join the ACC recognized courses.

Please visit our website or email us at:

At a future date, we hope to get the graduates together for a celebration of our God given calling and ministry. At all times, we desire your valuable feedback for a more fruitful ministry.

Samson Gandhi
Executive Director

Course Introduction

Welcome to the e-learning module of Person to Person’s Accredited Advanced Biblical Counselling program.

This e-learning module covers 14 topics from the Accredited Advanced Biblical Counselling – Level 1 training program. Each lesson consists of a video lesson, accompanying reading notes and a review quiz. Apart from completing all the lessons you will have to turn in 4 assignments as well as complete a final review exam at the end of the course.
Who is it for?

  • Those who have done IBC or any introductory course in counselling.
  • Those who are involved in the counselling ministry and seeking accreditation.
  • Bible College graduates who want to specialize in the counselling ministry.
  • Graduates from Psychology, Social Work or related courses wanting to learn more specifically about Christian Counselling.

What can I expect?

  • The course has 14 lessons, 4 assignments and a final review.
  • Length of course: 4 months extendable to 6 months.
  • Time needed for each lesson: approximately 2 hours.
  • At the end of each lesson, there are non-graded review questions that help reinforce the topics taught in that lesson.
  • The course is designed to apply to ourselves first (make it a tool for personal growth) before applying it to others.
  • Upon completion of the course, the student will need to come in for the classroom session at a convenient location, where the remaining sessions will be taught.

What can I do?

  • You may spread the word around to those who will benefit from this e-learning course.
  • You may want to form a group of few people (5-10 people) to study and discuss the lessons together.
  • You may want to set aside certain days of the week and certain times of the days to do this study. A fixed schedule helps to get the job done.
  • You may email us at or call us at : 040 2771 6941 for registration.

About the Authors

Samson Gandhi is the founding Executive Director of Person to Person – Institute for Christian Counselling (PtP). He was a management professional called by God into Christian Counselling ministry. He was trained at CWR in UK founded by Selwyn Hughes. Later, he was trained to be a trainer at WFLT, U.K. He also served as the General Secretary of the Association of Christian Counsellors – South Asia. He has a Doctorate in Ministry from Bakke Graduate University, Seattle, U.S.A.

Samson has been a Faculty of the Haggai Institute teaching Christian Leadership at their training centers at Maui, U.S.A. and Singapore since 1999.

Soh Hiang Jamir is a trained counsellor and a facilitator.

About Person to Person

Person to Person trains individuals to be counsellors and people-helpers through a systematic training program in Christian Counselling that offers biblically sound teaching on life issues.

Person to Person is founded on the Person of Jesus Christ and focuses on the personal dimension of Christian ministry.

  • Bible-based and relying on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, our work is centered on the redemptive and restorative work of Christ.
  • Our training programs equip individuals to be trained counsellors and our teaching programs enrich the individual.
  • Started in 1997, PtP is a registered public society and is member of the Association of Christian Counsellors, South Asia (ACC).

Our Vision – We see every member of the Church experiencing the abundant life of Jesus Christ.

Our Purpose – We provide systematic training in Christian counselling, offer biblically sound teaching on life issues and serve as a referral counselling centre.

Our Values – We accept every individual as a person of worth made in the image of God.We hope for good in all situations.We work towards peace in all relationships.

Our Beliefs – The Bible to be the only infallible authoritative Word of God.There is one God eternally existent in three Persons; Father, Son and The Holy Spirit.The Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious death and bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father and His personal return in power and glory.The ministry of the Holy Spirit, His gifts and graces.The spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our numbers so far – image.png

Copyright © 2007 by Person to Person – Institute for Christian counselling.

This course is the intellectual property of PtP. All rights reserved. No part of this course may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the written permission of Person to Person, nor be circulated in any form of binding or cover other than in which it is published.

Person to Person – Institute for Christian Counselling
10-3-32/9/34, East Marredpalli, Secunderabad – 500 026.
Telephone: +91- 40- 27716941, 40045821