Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – January 2025

Dear Friends,

Astrologers, scientists, and economists have made doomsday predictions for 2025. Economists talk of severe depression worldwide; scientists talk of another pandemic and astrologers predict severe calamities – natural and man-made. No matter how 2025 unfolds, we will not be deterred. The message of Christ for His first disciples is still valid for us. We are to be the salt and light of the earth.

Salt gives taste. Jesus said it is useless if it loses its taste; it will be thrown away to be trampled. How do His disciples offer taste to the world? I believe, we do so when be bear fruit – the fruit of the Spirit. Jesus said, when we abide in Him, we will bear fruit and much fruit. Primarily it is the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. When we do so, there will not be room for adultery, fornication, uncleanness, hatred, envy, jealousies, and the like. To be salt is about being! Bearing fruit by being in Christ. People will then can “taste and see that the Lord is good.”

World is dark. Light dispels darkness. When we do the works of God we radiate the light of Christ. Our works are done for everyone in the world. People will see and glorify God. When God is glorified, He will draw many unto Himself. What works have we been doing in 2024? What good works can we continue to do in 2025? And what new works should we be taking up? If God has increased our faith, we must do more and better works. Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry, comforted the crushed, accepted and cared for the rejected. To be light is to be doing! Doing the works of Christ. That people may see and glorify God.

The gospel has not changed. In its purest form, we are to be salt and the light of the earth.
Till our last breath or till He comes!

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi
Executive Director

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – December 2024

Dear Friends,

Christmas will always be special! For many reasons: wonderful climate, soul stirring carols, a rich variety of cakes; churches, streets and shops lit up, travelling to be home and enjoying delicious food and many more. Christmas is definitely a time to celebrate.

However, Christmas is more than celebration. Christmas is to behold the final and perfect expression of God’s love for humanity. His love come down in His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus did not come with the power and pomp of a Crown Prince or as a Viceroy, a delegated ruler of the King or with a diplomatic immunity of an Ambassador. He came utterly vulnerable as a babe, born in a manger, grew up as an apprentice carpenter. Lived the way He wanted us to live; laid down His life that we may not have to die; rose again that we may live with Him forever.
Christmas is this and much more. Let us bow down and worship Him before we celebrate.

Every celebration assumes a new meaning when we bow down and worship Him. Have a blessed Christmas and wish you a peaceful new year.

Warmly in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – November 2024

Dear Friends,

You and I are in the ministry of training counsellors and offering counselling. As ministers of God, we are acutely aware of our limitations. If something good happens, I sometimes wonder that that good has happened inspite of me not because of me! Being able to touch lives, seeing them transform is a gift of God.

Yet we fret constantly as to how best we could keep working and improve our effectiveness. We want to grow in our influence and expand our reach. Which is not wrong. But what I read of C.S. Lewis as reported by Lyle Dorset has piqued my interest: “Never worry about the breadth of your influence, everything about the culture worries about that, instead you worry about the depth of your relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will take care of the breadth.”

Isn’t that true? The story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42) proves the point. When the disciples-in-training returned reporting their power and breadth of their influence, Jesus sobered them down to worry only that their names were written in the boom of life (17-24). Jesus taught His disciples by example that they must withdraw (run away) from healing and feeding, preaching, and teaching (all ministry) and spend time in solitude, silence, and prayer (Luke 5:16). We tend to do the opposite – run towards ministry and offer public prayers and crisis prayers. Not much of closet prayers! We must live to pray at all times but minister when necessary.

The prayer of Jabez, asking the Lord to “enlarge my(his) territory,” is recommended to all of us today to enlarge the ministry and influence (1Chr.4:10). But it is important to note that it is God who granted him what he requested. We are reminded to leave the job of enlarging the territory to the Holy Spirit. And we are encouraged to be with the Lord. Isn’t that what we notice in the life of Peter and John when their adversaries realised that their boldness was because they were with Jesus (Acts 4:13)? Their influence increased as they were with Jesus.

I hope to fret less about the breadth of my ministry and increase my depth-time with the Lord. How about you?

Warmly in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – October 2024

Dear Friends,

Temptations are a challenge to anyone who wants to be disciplined, and particularly if you want to be a disciple of Christ. James, writing to the dispersed church, encourages us to endure temptations. But most importantly, not to say that we are tempted by God (James 1:12-15). Satan is the one who tempts us. But before we give any credit to him for our temptations, let us also examine if they are our own carnal desires.

God does not tempt but He tests us. So how do we understand Tests and Temptations? Perhaps, the table below will help bring clarity in our understanding.

God tests our faith in Him as He did Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son.Satan tempts to break our faith in God as he did Jesus in the wilderness.
God tests to usher us to higher purposes as He did Jospeh and the three friends of Daniel from the fiery furnace. The two servants passed the test of faithfulness and were promoted.Satan deceives us to depend on our own strength and schemes like he did king Saul.
God tests us to make us pure. Zachaeus the tax collector got rid of his ill-gotten gain and Jesus ushered him into the kingdom of heaven.Satan tempts us to corrupt us as he did Annanias and Sapphira, and Gehazi.
God's tests of faith declare the power of God - Daniel prayed inspite of the law and God protected him from the lions.Satan's temptations bring us to ridicule. Samson's life is a vivid illustration.


For a growing disciple, tests of faith are inevitable. Let us persevere to grow to be mature disciples. Pray that God will give us the wisdom to discern a test from a temptation. Crucify fleshly desires, resist the temptations of Satan and take the test of faith that God allows.

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – September 2024

Dear Friends,

“The horse is prepared for the day of the battle, but deliverance is of the Lord (Pro. 21:31).

Men and women by nature are survivors. Therefore, they conserve energy and minimize effort; study hard today to fare well tomorrow; save today for a better tomorrow. Armies train hard in peace time to fight hard when at war. But success, prosperity and victory are not always assured to those who save, work and train because it is not a perfect world and not even a fair one. In our fallenness and insecurity, we do not want others to succeed and some even try to spoil others’ efforts. Therefore, our best efforts may not secure success. But as it is written in the verse given above the victory belongs to the Lord. Let us trust God, depend on Him and commit our ways to the Lord and He will grant us success.

Secondly, if we think that our own strength can deliver us, we will be disappointed. As it is written in Jeremiah (given below), those who trust in the Lord and whose hope is the Lord are blessed. But those who trust in other men and their strength are cursed.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord (Jeremaiah 17:7).” But “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord (v5).

Warmly in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – August 2024

Dear Friends,

We have planned a trip to visit our boys and their families in US this month. Our excitement is growing by the day. We cannot wait to see them. Especially, our youngest granddaughter, Jubal whom we have not seen so far. Thankfully, we celebrate the first birthday of Leah our granddaughter in Hyderabad before we leave. We are buying gifts and preparing for the trip.

May be Jubal would also be eager to see us if she had known us and we had been talking and sharing our life with her. As I was reflecting on these warm thought and feelings, I could not but ask myself if I was feeling the same about meeting Jesus. I felt happy when my soul leaped with joy at the thought of seeing Him. Yes, I cannot wait to see Him.

Unlike meeting Jubal, I cannot secure a visa and book a tickcket to see Jesus and look forward to the day of travel. I must wait. While waiting, I must enjoy my time with Him; He would whisper: “I do not know when I will come to take you. Only my Father knows. Till that time, let us be about the things that will please Him. We will have many things to talk about then.”

Let us trim our lamps, carry enough oil, and be prepared to meet the Bridegroom with our lamps lit. Let us not be ill-prepared for His coming and lose out on entering His presence. While we wait, let us ask ourselves, “Is our light, our good works – feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and prisoned – lighting up the lives of people around us who may
glorify God?

When God decides to send Jesus, He might see us doing the will of the Father and joyfully
exclaim: “I cannot wait to see you.”

Warmly in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

For reflection: Matthew 5:16; Matthew 25:1-4; John 14:2-6

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – June 2024

Dear Friends,

I wonder what will be the result of the election on June 4th. Many are seeking a change in the way our country is being governed. Polarization of communities, alienation of poor and demonisation of weaker neighbours is making the soul of this nation sad and weak.

Hebrews were a small and powerless people living under an oppressive nation. Their cries to God went on for almost 400 years. God heard and delivered them.

We thank God that we are not slaves nor are we living under such an oppressive rule. We are a democracy; no matter how undermined it maybe we can still cast our vote and chose our leaders. We also have a voice to express our views to foster peace and resist hate. There is so much to be grateful to God about our country.

We can pray for our country (our circle of concern) but more importantly, act and work in such a way that Christ is seen in us by our neighbours (our circle of influence). How can we love our families? How can we be kind to our neighbours? How can we serve in our churches? How can we be more generous? Let our speech be marinated in love, peppered with grace, and seasoned with salt of kind words. Let us make our families and neighbourhoods pleasant and heal the soul of our land. Let us light up the dark spaces with truth and season relationships with salt of love and grace.

Yours in Christ,
Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – February 2024

Dear Friends,

Genesis 3:17-19
17 And to Adam he said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the treeof which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’cursed is the ground because of you;in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life;18 thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you;and you shall eat the plants of the field.

In my attitude of entitlement, I have always seen that creation was cursed because Adam sinned and he had to suffer as a consequence of his rebellion. I never saw the suffering that came upon creation as a result of Adam’s sin. Earth being inanimate, I never thought that it had feelings of its own and it was in pain. It is in extreme pain.

Read Romans 8:22: For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.

When Jesus Christ returns not only humanity but the whole creation will be free from corruption. However, I also see that the creation is suffering due to Adam’s sin. Likewise, is it possible others suffer because we mess up. We often deny, justify, or take forgiveness for granted when we are wrong. But how is our attitude when we suffer because others have messed up? Can we forgive from our hearts and wait for the complete redemption when Jesus returns? Till that time can we be kind to nature – our earth and all that is there in it. Let us be good stewards of all the natural resources given to us.

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – December 2023

Dear Friends,
As disciples of Christ, we are called to minister. In Galatians 6:1-5, Paul is giving us a few

  1. We are asked to help someone who is caught in sin (v1). Sounds like counselling? But that responsibility is given to those who are spiritual. We are spiritual when we live and walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. The Holy Spirit gives us a clear conscience when there is no known sin in our lives. Such a person can counsel others to overcome sin. Regular time of reflection and introspection in the light of the scripture and guidance of the Holy Spirit is essential.
  2. When we help others, we must do so with grace as we ourselves are saved from such sins by the grace of God. Thinking that we are able to resist temptation in our own strength can make us conceited and proud. This will surely bring us down (v1).
  3. Jesus gave us a new commandment (law) in John 13:34, 35. When we carry each other’s burden, like in counselling, we express the love of Christ. In doing so, we fulfil the golden rule of Christ (v3). However, carrying each other’s burden is not a ‘burden’ in that sense because God, in Christ has given us grace to do so. Moreover, it is a privilege to share in the ministry of Christ!
  4. The more we minister, the more we will begin to think of ourselves as something great. That is another pitfall. As we do it by His enablement, we cannot take any credit. All glory belongs to Him. Only the joy of saying, “We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty (Luke 17:7-10)” is ours (Gal. 6:3).
  5. As servants of God, we must not compare either our ministries (Mat. 25:15) or our rewards (Mat. 20:12). But humbly examine our own actions before the Lord (Gal. 6:4). He will reward us with joy (Mat. 25:21).

May God give us grace to follow these principles for a joyful ministry.

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – November 2023

Dear Friends,
As disciples of Christ, we are called to minister. In Galatians 6:1-5, Paul is giving us a few guidelines.

  1. We are asked to help someone who is caught in sin (v1). Sounds like counselling? But that responsibility is given to those who are spiritual. We are spiritual when we live and walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. The Holy Spirit gives us a clear conscience when there is no known sin in our lives. Such a person can counsel others to overcome sin. Regular time of reflection and introspection in the light of the scripture and guidance of the Holy Spirit is essential.
  2. When we help others, we must do so with grace as we ourselves are saved from such sins by the grace of God. Thinking that we are able to resist temptation in our own strength can make us conceited and proud. This will surely bring us down (v1).
  3. Jesus gave us a new commandment (law) in John 13:34, 35. When we carry each other’s burden, like in counselling, we express the love of Christ. In doing so, we fulfil the golden rule of Christ (v3). However, carrying each other’s burden is not a ‘burden’ in that sense because God, in Christ has given us grace to do so. Moreover, it is a privilege to share in the ministry of Christ!
  4.  The more we minister, the more we will begin to think of ourselves as something great. That is another pitfall. As we do it by His enablement, we cannot take any credit. All glory belongs to Him. Only the joy of saying, “We are unworthy servants;
    we have only done our duty (Luke 17:7-10)” is ours (Gal. 6:3).
  5.  As servants of God, we must not compare either our ministries (Mat. 25:15) or our rewards (Mat. 20:12). But humbly examine our own actions before the Lord (Gal. 6:4). He will reward us with joy (Mat. 25:21).

May God give us grace to follow these principles for a joyful ministry.

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – October 2023

Dear Friends,

In Romans 8, Paul is at pains to assure us that in Christ there is no condemnation and that God has given us sonship through the Spirit. However, he is clear that we will go through suffering but if we persevere will inherit His glory. In v31-39, he is an orator, theologian, and a passionate motivator, all rolled in one trying to convince us of God’s eternal love in Christ.

In v38-39, he says that nothing – neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities… – can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. What does it mean that death cannot separate us from His love?

Death disconnects us from everything earthly. We cannot take anything; we cannot connect with anyone and soon people will also forget us. But not so with God. After death, if we are in Christ, we will be with God. Even death cannot separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. My body will become dust but my soul will be in fellowship with Him in love. In life on earth, I am loved; in death I am entrusted to His care and love till He comes back.

Friends from other faiths are not sure of life after death. They are afraid that they may be born as lesser creatures. Children offer prayers and perform rituals to ensure ‘shanthi’ to the departed souls of their parents.

We have an unshakeable assurance that we die once and thereafter judgement. So, there is no rebirth. God loves us with such an everlasting love that even death cannot separate us from Him.

Are you afraid of death? Do you know someone who is struggling to come to terms with death? Reassure yourself and others. In death as in life we are loved – with an everlasting love!

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – September 2023

Dear Friends,
Recently, I was speaking at the IMA conference on the theme of ‘Christlikeness in Indian Missional Leadership.’ My topic was ‘Spiritual Integrity in family life and ministry.’ My messages and the messages of a couple of other speakers were hard-hitting, spoken in a candid manner. As it happens these days, the feedback on our messages was immediate in the conference WhatsApp group.

One of the delegates said, “Today full of spiritual tonic and B 12 injections which are boosting our spirituality. But there is a big question whether these leaders (doctors) are practicing the same in their administration??? Let us pray for them too . . . because the eyes
of Almighty are watching everything . . . Now and then always.”

I responded, “Good and bold question and thought. I am willing to be scrutinized. I am not perfect but my conscience is vigilant to everything I preach and teach. Please pray for me.”

Another delegate joined this conversation and said, “This is so you Samson ji . . . Love you for this transparency and vulnerability . . . I thought the day has ended and I have learnt all of the day and here the Lord teaches one more lesson from your attitude . . .”

As leaders, we are accountable and must be open to such bold questions that subject us to scrutiny. When Andrew asked Jesus, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” Jesus replied, “Come and see (John 1:38,39).” Transparent, honest, and vulnerable leadership is the need of the hour. Samuel asked, “Here I am. Witness against me before the Lord and before His anointed: Whose ox have I taken, or whose donkey have I taken, or whom have I cheated?
Whom have I oppressed, or from whose hand have I received any bribe with which to blind my eyes? I will restore it to you (1 Samuel 12:3).”

As counsellors, we are equally accountable. Sometimes, we are helping people to walk from darkness into light. We must ask ourselves if we are walking in the light. Let Jesus, the Light of this world light up our lives everyday in every sphere of our lives (1 John 1:7).

Yours in Christ,
Dr. Samson Gandh

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – August 2023

Dear Friends,

What kind of a faith do you have? In my meditations, I discovered that people around Jesus had three different kinds of faith. Please read Matthew 27.

The chief priests, pharisees, Sadducees and scribes condemned Jesus without any sin. In the face of the miracles, increasing popularity among people and the threat of losing their own authority, they decided to kill Jesus. In the Sanhedrin they condemned Jesus and handed Him over to Pilate to be crucified. But Pilate did not find anything wrong in Jesus Christ! He tried to release Jesus. He was also warned by his wife that the under trial Jesus was an innocent Man and advised Pilate to have nothing to do with Him (v19).

We see that the religious leaders had a condemning faith. They knew that He was “a teacher come from God (John 3:2).” Nicodemus eventually put his faith in Christ but others condemned Him even though they could see that Jesus is the Son God. The religious leaders had a condemning faith. Those who walked away convicted of their own sin from the woman caught in the act of adultery (John 8:1ff) were ready to stone Jesus to death.

Pilate, Peter and a few others had a convenient faith. Pilate had to protect his career. As a judge he found Jesus was innocent. His wife told him that Jesus was a just Man. But the religious leaders were pushing him to a corner. Pilate conveniently washed his hands off by saying that he is not to be blamed. But Jesus was handed over to be crucified by his soldiers under his watch. He demonstrated a convenient faith. As also Peter who conveniently denied Christ to save his skin.

We see a third kind of faith — consecrated faith. The thief on the cross believed and received instant salvation. The centurion said, “Truly this was the Son of God (Matt. 27:54).”

After being saved, if we sin, we are demonstrating a condemning faith; if we deny Him instead of acknowledging Him and glorifying Him, we show convenient faith; and when we accept Him, acknowledge Him before others, and demonstrate Him in our life, we show that our faith is consecrated. You may want to reflect on your own faith.

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – July 2023

July 2023
Dear Friends,

Jesus saw the Temple at Jerusalem turned into a business centre by greedy businessmen and reacted sharply. But He also showed us glimpses of self-emptying generosity of a widow in abject poverty. It stood in sharp contrast to self-glorifying giving of the rich (Luke 21:1-6).

God sees! He sees beyond our giving — to the heart of our giving. The rich give thinking, “Who can match my giving?” The poor give thinking, “What does it amount to?” Jesus exposes the emptiness of the rich and affirms the abundant giving of a poor widow.

How is our giving?

Secondly, the rich made sure that their donations were adorning the Temple. They made sure everyone was aware of their giving for generations to come (v5). But Jesus made it clear that all that would be reduced to dust. As we see in Europe, the faith that built magnificent
cathedrals lost its way. Now, there are no faithful followers to fill the pews. Let us invest in the kingdom of God — the poor in spirit and the poor in flesh! Then, we can nurture many – spiritually, emotionally, and physically – into true churches.

Thank you. Many of you invest in PtP which is a counselling ministry. We come alongside many both within and outside of the church to offer spiritual direction to nurture them spiritually, and provide comfort to nurture them emotionally.

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – June 2023

Dear Friends,

St. Paul writing to Philippians about thankfulness, joy, grace, and peace when he himself was in a prison dungeon is amazing. What he wrote has encouraged generations. We too can draw much needed comfort in our own difficult times. Covid has put us all on edge. Wars, earthquakes and natural disasters have added anxieties to our fears. Paul urges us to seek the peace of God (4:6,7) and also ensure we have the God of peace (4:8,9) with us.

Praying and petitioning with complaining and grumbling is quite different from praying with thanksgiving. Sometimes our prayers are peppered with grumblings like “why me O Lord?” or “How long O Lord?” or “God, I do not deserve this(implying, God you are unfair)”. Then, prayers will not be reciprocated in peace. Read 4:6,7: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through christ jesus. If you will place your petitions and make your requests to God with thanksgiving for who He is merciful, loving and gracious (even in your current crises)  and what He does gives salvation to us, protects us and brings us through hardships then we will receive the peace of God.

Most importantly, when you occupy your mind with truth, beauty and purity, and obey the teachings of Christ, then the God of peace will be with you (Read 4:8,9). Obedience in thoughts and actions are an invitation to God to inhabit us. The God of this universe will come and abide with us. He is the Prince of Peace. He gives peace like no other. It will last and sufficient even for these peaceless times.

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – May 2023

Dear Friends,

Several of you have joined us at the PtP Silver Jubilee Thanksgiving Service and celebrated 25 years of its fruitful ministry. This month PtP completes 26 years. On June 1st, we begin our 27th year. We have served Churches, Christian Institutions, NGOs and the community at large. I ask, “What is the Lord telling us as we step into another New Year?” And it is tempting for me to think in terms of programs, projects and finances. And God being our helper, we will. But I believe, God primarily wants us to prioritise three things:

PtP must be a sacred space where people are invited and encouraged to worship God. Jesus said, “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations (Matt. 21:13).” Prayer is looking up to God by depending and trusting our loving Lord Jesus. It is earnestly seeking His intervention in all situations of our lives. It is also giving up independent ways of doing things and start living in God-honouring ways (Mark 14:36). PtP seeks to help people to do this through counselling and training counsellors. In this way we would like to provide a sacred space where people can ‘pray’ unhindered.

PtP must be a safe space where people find acceptance and affirmation. No matter how affected, damaged or abused people are, they will find a safe space and pluck courage tobecome vulnerable before the Lord and receive His healing. We do so by coming alongside others to regain their faith like Jesus did with Cleopas and His companion on the road to Emmaus; like He offered a safe space to a seeking Nicodemus (John 3:1-2);or a rejected Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10). PtP offers confidentiality for anyone to share their most delicate issues and find resolution. People feel safe at PtP.

PtP must be a sunny space for people to grow basking in the love of Christ. We are not a church but those who do counselling training courses with us over an extended period feel we are a community of like-minded brothers and sisters. They feel a sense of acceptance, freedom, and a sense of belonging (Acts 4:32a). They seek counsel from one another, support each other in prayer and share resources. Since pandemic the community has become pan India and even international. We see individuals and even families growing in a new way.

We thank PtP friends for making PtP a sacred, safe, and sunny place whether physically or virtually.

Yours in Christ,
Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – April 2023

Dear Friends,

I just came away from an intense Holy Weekend. For some, it would have been 40 days of
lent too. No matter what spiritual approach you take to life or the denomination you come from it is imperative that we examine our walk with the Lord at regular intervals.

Meditating on Jesus washing the feet of His disciples on Maundy Thursday, seven utterances on the cross and the powerful resurrection on Easter has left me overwhelmed with the love, power and greatness of His salvation. When I asked the Lord as to what my response should be, He reminded me of two important points.

One, the salvation that we take for granted was worked out by Christ at a great price. The son of God came down to empty himself, suffer every form of pain and shed His blood to die on the cross. I have been purchased at a great price. I do not belong to myself but to God; my body, soul and spirit belongto Christ. Therefore, I must glorify God in my whole being. I cannot pollute my lungs, poison my body with substance abuse or give in to gluttony. Or corrupt it with sexual immorality of pornography, sexual indulgence or adultery. All my senses must be consecrated to Him for holy living (1 Cor. 6:19,20).

Two, the great salvation that was so freely given must not be neglected. We tend to cheapen anything that comes free. When we do that, we begin to neglect it. Our neglect is seen clearly when God is not part of our discussions, desires, and decisions. Examine how you spend your time, talents, treasures? Are they prioritised for God’s kingdom? If we live a life of this world while paying lip-service to God, we are neglecting the great salvation. The author of Hebrews has a stern warning that we will not escape God’s anger if we neglect His salvation (Hebrews 2:1-4).

Let us examine if the sacrifice of God has led us to glorify Him in our body, soul, and spirit. Allow God to show us in what ways we are neglecting His salvation and work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12).

Yours in Christ,
Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – March 2023

Dear Friends,

They say that when we go to the doctors with a health issue, we must be honest and share all information related to it. Information to questions like, “Where does it hurt?” “How badly does it hurt?” “How long have you had this pain?” “Does anyone else in your family have this condition?” “Do you consume alcohol?” “How much and how often?” so on and so forth. Only when he has complete and accurate information can he treat the disease effectively.

Sometimes, the doctor can ask seemingly unrelated questions but nevertheless important. Usually, when they can’t find anything wrong with the body, they suspect a psychological problem. They ask questions like, “Are you worried about something?” “Are you sleeping
well?” “What is keeping you awake?” When they are sure that it is a psychosomatic problem, they refer you to a psychologist/psychiatrist.

Take that advise seriously and talk to a wise counsellor who is trained. They can help you deal with a number of emotional and psychological problems. If you are open to looking at your problem from a spiritual perspective, seek out a godly, trained counsellor. Guilt, fears and anxieties are quite often rooted in misbeliefs, faulty thinking and unrealistic expectations.

Jesus Christ came into this world full of grace and truth. He said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). His grace can address our guilt for He has paid the price. The word of God says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are
in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). A godly counsellor who has experienced such a freedom from lies and liberation from bondages will be able to communicate “grace and truth” to you. It will be quite therapeutic!

A trained counsellor also knows when medical intervention is needed. He would urge you to see a psychiatrist. It is not unspiritual to see one. Make sure you do that without fail at the earliest. There is no taboo attached to it. Medicine is part of His healing.

Yours in Christ,
Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – February 2023

Dear Friends,

One of the attitudes that God looks for in His children is a deep dependency on Him. We find many instances of people who showed such a sterling quality – Joseph, Daniel and his three friends, David, Abigail, Mary and the list is long.

However, king Ahaziah stands as a warning to all of us (1 Kings 1:1-17). He looked to BaalZebub, the god of Ekron to know if he would recover from his serious injury. Very human to
want to know if we will get well and how soon. King Ahaziah did not ask another medicine man but enquired of a god of Philistines in Ekron. When he enquired of Baal-Zebub, he professed faith that Baal-Zebub had the knowledge of his future. He ignored the true living God at best and at worst he rejected Him.

How many times we place the opinion of doctors, engineers and so called “well-wishers” above the clear teaching of God in the Bible? We conveniently ignore God. We take shelter under expert opinion even though the Spirit of God is wrestling us to obey Him. Then when things go wrong, we question God as to why He had not stopped us?

But the hero of the story is the third captain of fifty. He had a better heart than king Ahaziah. He saw how the God of hosts had destroyed the first two captains and their fifties. He trembled, humbled and pleaded for the life of his fifty and himself. The Lord had mercy and spared their lives. But the Lord not only spared their lives but preserved them. If the captain and his fifty had gone back without Elijah, they would have been most probably killed by king Ahaziah. But God sent Elijah with them and executed judgement on king Ahaziah. The captain showed faith. God rewarded him with life.

May God give such an attitude and faith to all of us.

Yours in Christ,
Dr. Samson Gandhi

Friends in Fellowship

Friends in Fellowship – PtP Prayer letter – January 2023

Dear Friends,

There are several mysteries in our faith, don’t you think?

  1. CHRISTMAS: God became man and still be God and not avail of any immunity or strength afforded to God. Jesus was born to Mary – Spirit born to flesh! Mystery…
  2. RESURRECTION: Jesus, God incarnate died! A mystery. Rose again in flesh! We do not know if Jesus was in flesh before He was born on earth. But we will see Him henceforth in ‘flesh’ that is no longer restricted by material. Mystery . . .
  3. CHRIST IN US, THE HOPE OF GLORY: Jesus not only forgives but is willing to inhabit us to give victory over sin. Being lead by the Spirit is a mystery . . .
  4. When hatred turns into love, rejection into acceptance, grabber becomes a giver, murderer a mentor, addict an achiever . . . some call it transformation and others a miracle. I prefer to see it as a mystery of God.

God beckons us to enter into His work of mystery and be in awe of Him. But some of us demand that God become a professor and offer rational answers to spiritual mysteries and then offer applause of approval.

Many children have enjoyed the mystery of Cinderella turning into a beautiful girl and a pumpkin turning into a chariot to take her to the ball. A child is captivated by the mystery and is transported into the world of beauty and wonder. It does not even occur to a child to spoil that joy with ‘silly’ questions. But adults will never be able to enjoy such stories if they look at them through rational lens.

Did Jesus not say, “Unless you become a like a child you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven?” (Matthew 18:3; Luke 18:17). May God give us grace to become more of a child in 2023.

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Samson Gandhi